Lets Talk About Yes

Welcome to #LetsTalkAboutYes – find out about the campaign and how to join in helping to change the world one conversation at a time.

What is the problem?

If someone doesn’t consent to having sex, it is rape. It’s as simple as that. However, outdated laws, widespread myths, gender stereotypes and worrying attitudes towards consent perpetuate rape.

The facts about rape in Europe are staggering. Around 9 million women have been raped in the EU. Rape is hugely under reported. Women fear not being believed and the stigma attached to it deters people from reporting it.

Sexual consent means that each person freely agrees to join in. Being silent or not saying no is not the same as giving consent. Lack of resistance or clothes do not define consent either. And consent doesn’t mean signing a contract – it doesn’t need to be expressed with words – but it must be explicit and enthusiastic.

We aim to change the so called ‘rape culture’ that normalizes and even justifies rape in our societies.

What do we want?

We want to live in a society that is free from rape, where everyone understands sexual consent fully and everyone’s rights over their own body are respected and valued.


Consent should be straightforward. But it often brings up all sorts of difficult questions and emotions. A good way of understanding and working through these is to talk about them.

Having conversations – face to face, on social media or in whatever way possible, may help all of us to recognise and respect each others’ feelings. So we’re joining in with people across Europe to spread conversations about consent.

We want to demystify why it can be difficult, awkward, embarrassing, shameful, a turn-off, a turn-on, scary and confusing, to talk and think about sex and about consent.

In the end, in any conversation around consent, we must be clear: when it comes to sex, consent is everything and there are no blurred lines.

 The consent conversations are important to create more support for changing outdated rape laws and to raise awareness about the myths and stereotypes that hamper justice for rape victims.

Join the conversation #LetsTalkAboutYes

To make a difference, we need many people to join in the conversation.

What does sexual consent look like to you?

  • Create and share memes – Work out your own creative contribution to inspire others to join the conversation. Feelings, barriers, motivations and the need for consent can all be part of this. Create a simple Meme. For example, an image with a thought or question to share – on channels such as Instagram – on what sexual consent looks like to you. Please include #LetsTalkAboutYes. You can use different media: comics, illustration, advertising, graphic design and digital arts and drawing.
  • Ask artists, creatives, activists, individuals and organisations to join – Do you know artists who could be interested in contributing to the campaign? Any creative friends or relatives? Activists, teachers or organisations involved in the topic? Please spread the word, encourage others to join in and create new contributions.
  • Follow and join online conversations – Join in on social media. Follow the hashtag #LetsTalkAboutYes, like and share content about consent and contribute to online conversations when you feel like it.

Images from the @letstalkaboutyes instagram account where you can find a wide selection of Consent memes.

Get more involved: download the Activist Toolkit

The Activist toolkit provides guidance and suggests ways to contribute to the campaign, for more people, especially young people, to talk about sexual consent, in a light-hearted and respectful way.

What it covers

1. What you can do: how to get young people involved;2. Creative guidelines: how to create content that triggers conversations;
3. This is consent: how to talk (and think) about consent;
4. Removing barriers: how to debunk myths and avoid stereotypes;
5. Being a multiplier: how to run workshops to encourage conversations and creative expression;
6. Resources for survivors and advocates: how to respond and support survivors of sexual assault;
7. Good reads and resources: how to learn more about consent.

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