1. Moratoria on executions in Albania and Moldova; 2. Mauritius abolishes death penalty, but President refuses to sign bill; 3. Poland: Abolitionist bill drafted; 4. Sri Lanka: No firm decision to implement death penalty; 5. Juvenile executions – AI study; 6. Canadian poll shows public support for death penalty; 7. China: Multiple executions prior to UN conference; 8. Kazakhstan: AI protest over televised execution; 9. Nigeria: Public executions; 10. Saudi Arabia: Executions provoke protests in Turkey; 11. Gambia reintroduces death penalty; 12. South Africa: Backlash follows South African ruling; 13. Ukraine: Statistics released; 14. USA (Pennsylvania): Stay of execution granted; 15. USA (Missouri): Doctors and executions; 16. New UN quinquennial report on capital punishment; 17. News in brief: Belize, Iran, Botswana and the Philippines.