The Wire, October 2004. Vol. 34, No. 9.

1) Fleeing xenophobia in Côte d’Ivoire 2) Indonesia’s hidden war 3) ‘We had high hopes in Accra’ 4) Where are the children who ‘disappeared’ in El Salvador and Guatemala? 5) ‘Official collusion and cover-up’ in the UK 6) Worldwide appeals: Syria: Torture and unfair secret trials; Germany: Case closed for ‘disappeared’?; Uzbekistan: At risk of execution; Saudi Arabia: Freedom of expression denied 7) Updates: No excuses for torture; Worldwide Appeal Update 8) Iranian girl hanged for ‘acts incompatible with chastity’ 9) Join AI’s campaign to stop child execution 10) USA to review death penalty for children 11) Afghanistan breaks promise to suspend death penalty 12) Woman forced to have abortion in China 13) Death penalty updates: India; Indonesia; Zambia; Senegal

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