Indonesia: Further information on fear for safety / possible prisoners of conscience

Coen Hussein Pontoh, Dita Sari, Mohammad Shaleh, Hendrik Dikson Sirait, aged 24, Lisa Febrianti (f), aged 22, Trio Yohanus Mulyato, Zainal Abidin, aged 24, I Sunarman Purwosaputro, Patriatno, Titin, Budi Pratono (note corrected spelling) (previously listed as Agus Sukarmanto), Syamsul Bachri, Agustyana, Nyonya B Veronica Sembiring (f); Budiman Sujatmiko, Petrus Haryanto, Kendar Kusmandar, Benny S, Garda Sembiring, Ignatius Pranowo, Ignatius Putut Arintoko, Kurniawan, Suroso, Victor da Costa (previously listed as names unknown); new arrests: 28 alleged PRD activists in Bali (names unknown), Wahyu Widyanarko (24): According to the Governor of Bali, 28 people were arrested by the military in a raid in the Gianyar district of Bali last week. They are accused of being activists in the People’s Democratic Party (PRD), which the government is blaming for instigating riots in Jakarta. Wahyu Widiyanarko was also reported to have been arrested by the military on 12 August in Jombang, East Java. AI is concerned that the above are being held in military custody without access to lawyers, seriously heightening the risk that they may be subjected to ill-treatment or torture.

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