Switzerland: Face veil ban is discriminatory and violates women’s rights
Ahead Sunday’s popular vote on banning the face veil in Switzerland, Cyrielle Huguenot, Head of Women’s Rights at Amnesty International Switzerland said:
“The proposed face veil ban cannot in any way be viewed as measure for the liberation of women. Rather, it is a dangerous policy that violates women’s rights, including to freedom of expression and religion. This ban would have a particularly negative impact on Muslim women who choose to wear the niqab or burqa. If we really want to respect women’s rights, we should let women decide what they want to wear.”
“If the intention of this is in any way to protect women’s rights it fails abjectly. Instead, this proposes to sanction women for their choice of clothing and in so doing undermines the freedoms Switzerland purports to uphold.”
Cyrielle Huguenot, Head of Women’s Rights – Amnesty Switzerland
“A ban of this type would be discriminatory. It also carries the risk of stigmatising women belonging to an already marginalised group, cementing stereotypes about people and increasing intolerance.”
Amnesty Switzerland’s position: Link
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