Brazil’s federal government must halt its deployment of the military to clear highways blocked by striking truck drivers, Amnesty International said today.
The order, announced on Friday afternoon, represented the first time that the Brazilian government has authorized the Armed Forces to enforce the law and halt civic disruption at national level since the end of the military regime in 1985.
“The role of the armed forces is not to break up protests, assemblies or strikes. The state must respect our human rights to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly,” said Jurema Werneck, Executive Director at Amnesty International Brazil.
“The protesters and the appropriate authorities must negotiate a peaceful resolution to any disagreements. Sending in the military is a disproportionate response to this strike that could lead to a serious escalation of violence.”
The protesters and the appropriate authorities must negotiate a peaceful resolution to any disagreements. Sending in the military is a disproportionate response to this strike that could lead to a serious escalation of violence
Jurema Werneck, Executive Director at Amnesty International Brazil