Colombian Human Rights Defenders Need Protection

Still an unprotected peace

More than 200 Human Rights Defenders have been killed in Colombia since the signing of the peace agreement.  The situation is critical. Human Rights Defenders are being threatened, attacked and killed.

Amnesty International carried out a mission to the country with the aim of documenting cases of human rights defenders and people who exercise social leadership that are currently under threat. We identified 7 profiles of defenders who are under attack and given the lack of protection measures for the cases identified, we present the results in the form of profiles that are composed of many of the testimonies collected. We work with the plastic artist Edgar Alvarez and decided to create the characters that we present here and that will serve as a symbol of our #UnprotectedPeace campaign that demands the adoption of urgent measures of individual and collective protection that guarantee the life and work of defenders and communities at risk.

Read the profiles and download all the materials in this link

In Colombia, being a Human Rights Defender seems like a crime that is paid with death

Human Rights Defender

Meet our 7 profiles of Human Rights Defenders under attack in Colombia

Help end attacks to Human Rights Defenders

With your help, we can get the newly elected president of Colombia to include effective and concerted protection measures for Human Rights Defenders in his government program.

Send a tweet to Ivan Duque and demand that he commits to protecting defenders like Luis, Damaris or Ezequiel

Tweet the president of Colombia

.@IvanDuque How will your government protect defenders and prevent attacks against them and the communities they defend? #PazDesprotegida #UnprotectedPeace

LEARN MORE. Read our Public Statement of increasing attacks on HRDs in Colombia
