Mexico: Further information on fear of torture and new concerns: prisoners of conscience / medical concern

Geronimo Hernandez Lopez (note correct spelling), Gonzalo Rosas Morales (Jesuit priests); Ramon Parcero Martinez (note full name), Francisco Gonzalez Gutierrez (note correct name) (Mayan Indian leaders); Fidel Vera, Carlos Cruz, Pascual Alvaro: Amnesty International has learned that the first four men named above have reportedly been tortured while detained incommunicado after being transferred to the State Attorney General’s Office in Tuxtla Gutierrez. They have now been transferred to a prison in Cerro Hueco, where there is concern that they are being denied medical treatment. Francisco Gonzalez Gutierrez suffered severe injuries as a result of torture and is in need of urgent medical treatment. All four men are considered prisoners of conscience, arrested and tortured solely because of their activities as human rights defenders. Fidel Vera, Carlos Cruz and Pascual Alvaro are now known not to have been detained.

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