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Americas Human Rights Defenders and Activists

“We are constantly on high alert”: activists and health professionals who defend the right to abortion are contending with growing risks

By Lisa Maracani and Josefina Salomón* There is rarely a dull day at work for Dr. Laura Gil, a Colombian gynecologist. But even for her, certain days stand out from the rest. One morning in 2022, as she walked down the main hall of one of the clinics where she works in the Colombian capital...
Botswana Censorship and Freedom of Expression

Africa: We are facing extinction: Escalating anti-LGBTI sentiment, the weaponization of law and their human rights implications in select African countries

Across Africa, LGBTI persons face a distressing regression of progress, enduring relentless protests and formidable obstacles to their rights. This review exposes an alarming trend: the weaponization of law to target and marginalize the LGBTI community, exacerbating a deteriorating state of human...