People’s Republic of China: Further information: Death resulting from torture / fear of torture: Lai Manping and other Christians

Recent reports claim that up to 25 Christians from Xunyang county, Shaanxi province, were rearrested by officers from the Ankang public security bureau on 1 September 1993. Six of the 25 are believed to remain in detention. According to reports, one of those detained is the author of a letter smuggled out of China in April 1993 which gave a detailed description of the incident in Xunyang county in March 1993, when it is alleged that a group of Christians were severely beaten by police. One of the group, a young man named Lai Manping, subsequently died as a result. It has also been reported that the police are anxious to discover the identity of the person who took the photographs of Lai Manping’s body and of another of the torture victims.

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