China: Further news on dissidents detained in Beijing since March 1994

AI is concerned that a number of dissidents arrested during 1994 continue to be held in violation of international human rights standards. Tong Yi, detained in early April 1994, is reported officially to have been arrested on 13 August and charged with forgery. AI fears that she may not have a fair trial and that she may be sentenced primarily because of her association with Wei Jingsheng (about whom there is no further news). Zhang Lin has reportedly been given an administrative term of 3 years of “re-education through labour”. Liu Huanwen, detained since July 1994, is reported to have been sentenced to two years’ detention for hooliganism. Li Hai, associated with the Peace Charter group, is thought to have been detained in late June. He has not been heard of since. Liu Nianchun, Wang Zhongqiu, Xiao Biguang, Yuan Hongbing and Zhou Guoqiang apparently remain detained without trial.

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