Mexico: death threats: membersof the Compania de Jesus, the Jesuit Order

On 7 August 1994 posters threatening death to all Jesuits in Mexico were pasted outside at least five Jesuit establishments in Mexico City. One poster also appeared in Puebla. The posters bore the name of a group, Squads for the defence of the Catholic faith and peace in Mexico. Jesuits in Mexico have recently been the target of unfounded press attacks accusing them of involvement in guerrilla activities. Bomb threats have been received by the provincial Curia in Mexico City and Jesuit centres in Chiapas and Guerrero have been raided by police. AI is particularly concerned by references to El Salvador in these posters: Jesuit priests in that country continue to be threatened and harassed. Six Jesuit priests were murdered there, along with their housekeeper and her daughter, in 1989.

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