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Security forces responded to protests with excessive use of force, especially in regions with largely Indigenous populations. Reparations for the La Pampilla refinery oil spill had still not happened. Human rights defenders remained at significant risk, and impunity for killings prevailed. Sexual and gender-based violence remained prevalent, including against children and adolescents. Authorities obstructed the right to abortion in cases of child pregnancy. New legislation undermined gender equality. LGTBI people continued to face violence and discriminatory legislation. Authorities denied Venezuelans the protection they were due. Victims of forced sterilization had still not been granted reparation. Authorities released former president Alberto Fujimori from prison, disregarding a ruling of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights and undermining justice for victims.

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Death Penalty status

Abolitionist for ordinary crimes

Retains the death penalty only for serious crimes, such as those committed during times of war

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