South Korea: mass arrests / fear of ill-treatment / legal concern

At least 30 people were reportedly arrested in South Korea between 17 and 22 February 1994. They face charges under the National Security Law. AI is concerned that they appear to be held for the non-violent exercise of their rights to freedom of expression and association. Those arrested include students and graduates Choi ong-ik, Lee Tae-seong, Im Hyun-suk, Lee Baek-Kyu, Choi Hyang-suk, Park Soh-yon and workers Cho Yong-chan, Ju Tae-bong, Cho Gae-eun, Kim Chang-hoon, Park Sang-hyun, Kim In-sook, Choi Eun-ha and Lee Hong-im. Six military conscrips were also arrested: Jung Jae-young, Han Jang-hyun, Kim Song-pil, Shin Hyun-jae, Shin Chang-soo and Yang Gi-huk. Others arrested include Kim Tae-il, Lee Chang-eul and Cho Jae-hyun from Heemangsae singing troupe and Kim Young-ki, a member of Minjongryon, a left-wing political group.

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