Honduras: Killing of member of the Xicaque Indigenous Community

Rutilio Matute, a member of the Federation of Xicaque Tribes of Yoro (FETRIXY), was found dead on 31 May 1994 near his house in Olanchito municipality, Yoro department. His body showed signs of having been tortured. There is concern that he may have been the victim of an extrajudicial execution ordered by regional land owners involved in land disputes with FETRIXY. He was the nephew of Vicente Matute Cruz, President of FETRIXY, who was shot dead on 30 September 1991. Rutilio Matute had witnessed his killing with another man, Dionisio Martinez, who was later killed on 7 February 1994 in circumstances yet to be clarified. Recent reports indicate that other indigenous members and activists, including Mauricia Castro Garmendia, have been subject to anonymous death threats.

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