Colombia: Fear for safety / death threats

There is serious concern for the safety of July González Villadiego (f), Rafael Peña, Olimpo Cárdenas, Álvaro Pulido, Ana Cecilia Escorcia (f), Miguel González, Segundo Mora, Ivan Ferreira, Jesús Arias, Raúl Malagon, Héctor Florez, Mauricio Álvarez, Edgar Rodríguez, Orlando Romero, Jesús Arévalo, Álvaro Quintero, Emidgio Triana – all members of the National Executive of the Unión Nacional de Empleados Bancarios (UNEB), National Bank Workers’ Union, other UNEB members, and Domingo Rafael Tovar Arrieta, a leader of the Central Unitaria de Trabajadores (CUT), Trade Union Confederation after they received death threats, reportedly issued by a paramilitary organization.

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