Tanzania: “We have lost everything”: Forced evictions of the Maasai in Loliondo

This research report is an outcome of the research conducted by Amnesty International into the actions of the Tanzanian authorities that resulted in multiple forced evictions of the Maasai Indigenous people of Loliondo. It focuses primarily on human rights violations during the forced evictions of June 2022, but also looks at other historical human rights violations and discrimination of the people of Loliondo, which culminated in the events of June 2022. The report reveals that brutal force was used against the Maasai to acquire the 1,500km2 of village land in Loliondo and highlights grievous defects in the decision-making process used to justify the forced evictions. It also exposes how the state continues to exclude, from its conservation plans, community members who have the right to and are custodians of the land, and instead displaces them from their traditional grazing lands, restricting their access to resources within their grazing land and providing no compensation.

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