Olympics promises for human rights – the China Debate

Amnesty International has launched a new website for people to have their say about the human rights situation in China in the countdown to the Beijing Olympics. When bidding for the Games, the Chinese authorities made commitments that hosting the Games would help improve human rights.

Amnesty International has asked people to let them know whether you think they have fulfilled their promise.

The China Debate, launched on Thursday, aims to encourage an open, constructive and balanced discussion about human rights in China and the legacy the Beijing Olympics will leave behind.

To stimulate discussion, The China Debate presents video and expert opinions that focus on four key areas relevant to upholding the Olympic value of the “preservation of human dignity”:

repression of activists
detention without trial
death penalty

Users around the world will be able to post their comments as well as video, pictures and soundbites. The site is available in English and Chinese.