1) Mass forced evictions in Zimbabwe continue 2) Japan’s ‘comfort women’ demand public apology 3) Uganda’s ‘night commuters’ seek protection from abduction 4) Asylum-seekers in Australia remain in long-term limbo 5) Yemenis held in secret US detention centres 6) Worldwide appeals: Bosnia and Herzegovina: ‘Disappeared’ for 10 years; Palestinian Authority/Occupied Territories: Risk of execution; Viet Nam: Imprisoned for Internet use; Myanmar releases hundreds, more than 1,100 still detained; Nepal frees AI activist 7) Updates: Saudi Arabia: Brothers released; Death sentence annulled; Zimbabwe 8) Inside Guantánamo Bay 9) Brazil’s landmark torture ruling 10) Illegal arms exports 11) Families and Sana’a Committee highlight plight of detainees 12) Time to work together to combat hunger, homelessness and disease