Ethnic Albanians including: Avni Klinaku, Dulah Sallahu, Bejtullah Sallahu, Emin Sallahu, Shukrije Rexha (f), political activist, Majlinda Sinani (f), school teacher and actress, Sinan Azemi, human rights activist; Zahir Pajaziti, Hakif Zejnulahu (both killed); and new names: Edmond Hoxha (killed), Naip Hasani: On 3 February the Yugoslav authorities announced that “66 members of terrorist organizations” had been arrested. An ethnic Albanian lawyer, however, whose clients are among those arrested, has denied that her clients were involved in political violence, and has alleged that many have been tortured or ill-treated by police in incommunicado detention. Among those taken to hospital, after allegedly being severely ill-treated, was Naip Hasani. The name of the ethnic Albanian who was shot by police on 31 January was reportedly Edmond Hoxha.