Peru: 19 year old student dies under torture

AI is seriously concerned about the reported death under torture of 19-year-old Peruvian student Jhoel Huaman Garcia. He was reportedly detained on 26 May 1995 by police in the building of the Pasco Teachers’ Institute Gamaniel Blanco Murillo. His relatives were told on 27 May that he had been transferred to hospital; when they got there they were told that he had been dead on arrival. Two autopsies were reportedly carried out. The first, ordered by the police, reportedly stated that the cause of death was a heart attack. The second, requested by his family, found that the cause of death was “multiple wounds caused by a blunt instrument, as a result of the torture suffered by the victim”. AI is concerned also about allegedly death threats received by the Jhoel Huaman Garcia’s relatives and the alleged harassment by police of two journalists who broadcast protests about this case.

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