Indonesia: “Operation Cleansing”: human rights and APEC

The human rights situation in Indonesia has deteriorated in the run up to the APEC (Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation) summit being held in Jakarta in November, as the government has sought to rid the capital of “economic and political criminals”. The crackdown began in April with an anti-crime campaign known as “Operation Cleansing” but it has broadened in recent months to include government critics, human rights and labour activists, as well as a variety of socially marginal groups. This report gives details of cases of people who have suffered violations of their right to freedom of expression and assembly ranging from imprisonment to ill-treatment and even death. The report also discusses evidence that the official anti-crime drive has contributed to an increase in violations against socially marginalized groups, including squatters, “alcoholics”, prostitutes and alleged criminals. Most worryingly, the campaign has led to an apparent increase in the already common practice of killing alleged criminals.

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