Colombia: Further information on fear for safety / apparent extrajudicial executions and new concern: possible “disappearance”: Civilian population of Segovia and Remedios, Antioquia

Killed: Wilson Alejandro Loaiza, Octavio de Jesus Garcia (14), Cesar Dario Valle (16), Fabio Alonso Loaiza, Omar Moreno, Carlos Montoya, Ricardo Ochoa Puerta, Gabriel Jaramillo Palacio, Jesus Evelio Perez, Pedro Posada, Leon Dario Ospina, Carlos Zapata, Nicolas Alvarez, Carlos Arturo Agudelo; Injured: David Lozano, Farlan Andres Palacio, Jorge Orozco, Gabriel Vargas, Alberto Antonio Hurtado, Jaime Cardona, Albeiro Antonio Ruiz, Jorge Enrique Gomez, Dany Echavarria, Luis Abel Moreno, Fernando Sepulveda, Danuber Restrepo and at least three others; and new names: Elkin Sergio Zapata, aged 23, driver, Yacir William Silva Cure, aged 15: A few hours before the massacre of 14 people in Segovia, Elkin Sergio Zapata and his assistant, Yacir William Silva Cure, were approached by a group of men who hired their vehicle. Their whereabouts are now unknown. The vehicle was reportedly one of those used by the paramilitary groups in the massacre.

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