Spain: ECHR judgment a blow to refugee and migrant rights
Reacting to the European Court of Human Rights’ finding that Spain did not violate the European Convention on Human Rights when it summarily expelled two men from the Melilla enclave to Morocco, Anna Shea, Researcher on Refugee and Migrant Rights at Amnesty International, said:
“Today’s judgment is very disappointing. These two men were marched back to Morocco as soon as they entered Spain, with no chance to explain their circumstances, no chance to request asylum, and no chance to appeal their expulsion.
Anna Shea
“That the court has today decided that Spain was within its rights to do this, because the men entered the country irregularly, is truly a blow for refugees and migrant rights. People must have access to asylum procedures and to appeal any decision, regardless of how they entered the country they wish to seek sanctuary in.”
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