Vanildo was using a facial mask. Why did this happen?

On 22 August, Vanildo Sebastião Futa – also known as Vado among his friends – 21 years old, was killed by an agent of the armed forces in the Zango 3 neighborhood, approximately 500 meters from the door of his house, at around 9.30 pm.

Vado and two friends left his house to go to a nearby cantina. On the way, they came across three members of the FAA. One of Vado’s friends, Lucas Gaboa, was not wearing a face mask and was approached by the military agents. Vado and his other friend watched the situation from a distance.

Witnesses told Amnesty International and OMUNGA that one of the agents requested the payment of 2.000 kwanzas (about US$3) to let Lucas go away. Lucas, however, had only 1,500 kwanzas and, according to the witnesses, one of the agents then started to get nervous and repeated that he wanted the full amount of 2.000 kwanzas. Lucas then ran away, but as he turned to run he heard a shot. Vado, who was observing the situation from a distance, was hit in his back and ran about 100 meters before falling.

There is an ongoing criminal investigation against the agents responsible for his death.