A week into its full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022, Russia introduced war censorship laws to make protest against the invasion a grave offence. Aleksei Gorinov is a local opposition politician in Moscow. He publicly criticized the war of aggression and was the first person to be sentenced under the new legislation for distributing “false” information about the Russian Army. He needs your support.
What’s the problem?
Aleksei Gorinov is an opposition municipal deputy in Moscow. He is a pro-democracy activist and helped protect protesters detained in police stations, including demanding their access to food and drink and respect for their legal rights .
On 15 March 2022, Aleksei spoke at a municipal council meeting. He called Russia’s invasion of Ukraine an aggression and a war, saying that children were dying in it every day. He was later arrested for “knowingly disseminating false information” and sentenced to seven years in prison.
After Aleksei’s sentencing, many other opposition politicians fled Russia. In response to Aleksei’s bravery, the Russian authorities made clear how far they are prepared to go to suppress anti-war dissent.
In prison, Aleksei’s existing health conditions have deteriorated. He suffers from tuberculosis and has, at times, had his medication taken away. In April 2024, the prison placed Aleksei under a suicide and self-harm watch. He has stressed that he “would never voluntarily take his own life”. The designation looks like a veiled threat by authorities preparing to avoid accountability for causing Aleksei Gorinov harm.
Aleksei now faces a second investigation accusing him of “justification of terrorism”.
What you can do to help
Send a message of support to Aleksei Gorinov now to show him he is not alone. Together we are more powerful.