Join Joel’s fight for justice!

Joel was blinded in one eye by rubber bullets at a peaceful protest. No one has been held accountable. Sign the petition and add your voice to Joel’s to bring those responsible to justice.

What’s the problem?

Joel is a young father from the northern Argentine province of Jujuy. He is a ceramicist by trade and plays a “bombo” drum in a local band. But one night last year changed his life forever, and now he’s fighting for justice.

The local government implemented constitutional changes that, among other things, restrict the right to freedom of expression, endanger the environment and risk violating Indigenous Peoples’ land rights.

Concerned, Joel joined a peaceful protest in Humahuaca Square. Although he doesn’t consider himself Indigenous, Joel and his family are also concerned about the land, and their future. He drummed with his band as the changes were discussed in the City Deliberative Council.

Later, however, events took a violent turn. Police arrived and started recklessly firing rubber bullets into the crowd. People were terrified. Suddenly, Joel was hit in his right eye. Despite their efforts, doctors could not save the sight in Joel’s eye.

What can you do to help?

Sign the petition and call on Jujuy’s attorney general to hold accountable those responsible for Joel’s injuries, and to ensure that there is effective accountability and access to remedy for all other human rights violations against protesters.