Ilham Tohti, a renowned Uyghur intellectual, has spent the last ten years unjustly imprisoned for his peaceful advocacy. His relentless calls for understanding and dialogue between Uyghurs and Han Chinese have been met with a life sentence on baseless charges of “separatism”.
What is the problem?
The charges against Ilham Tohti stem from his writings and teachings, which explained the systemic discrimination faced by Uyghurs in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. Tohti’s life sentence, handed down on 23 September 2014 after a trial lacking fairness and transparency, is a blatant violation of his rights. During his imprisonment, Tohti has reportedly been subjected to torture and ill treatment, including wrist and ankle shackling, prolonged solitary confinement and denial of adequate medical care and food, as well as political indoctrination.
Ilham Tohti’s peaceful and moderate stance makes his imprisonment particularly egregious, as it signals the suppression of even the most non-violent forms of advocacy for human rights. Tohti’s case exemplifies the Chinese government’s broader crackdown on Uyghurs, Kazakhs and other ethnic groups, including mass arbitrary detention, forced assimilation policies, and crimes against humanity.
“The Chinese government hints that the only way for a daughter to see her father again is by not criticizing China.
Jewher Ilham
“The Chinese government hints that the only way for a daughter to see her father again is by not criticizing China. But it should be a daughter’s fundamental right to see her father, and as a human being it is my right to call out injustice anytime I see it” says Jewher Ilham.
Ilham Tohti’s approach offered a path toward understanding and cooperation and promoted peaceful coexistence. His freedom would be a crucial step for advancing human rights and justice in China – while his ongoing imprisonment is a stark reminder of the ongoing human rights crisis faced by Uyghur, Kazakhs and other Turkic Muslim groups living in China.
What can you do to help?
Sign the petition and join us in demanding the Chinese authorities guarantee his immediate and unconditional release.