1.) Burundi’s children suffer; 2.) Cambodian justice system in disarray; 3.) Time to eliminate torture and ill-treatment in Peru; 4.) Human rights lawyers face harassment in Syria; 5.) Will the forgotten victims of the massacres in Gujarat obtain justice?; 6.) New hope for peace in Sri Lanka; 7.) New government risks escalating human rights crisis in Colombia; 8.) Shot dead by UK police; 9.) Updates: Egypt, trial of alleged gays; Tanzania, thanks to AI; Syrian lawyer sentenced; Iranian lawyer’s sentence upheld; 10.) Pakistan: Yousef Ali shot in jail; 11.) Worldwide Appeals: Georgia, Student alleges electric shock torture; Equatorial Guinea, Imprisoned and tortured for internet article; France, Allegations of racial abuse and physical assault by police; Israel/Occupied Territories, Fear of unlawful transfer; 12.) Liberia