The above-named, a student from Beitin in the Ramallah district of the West Bank, was arrested on 23 December 1990 and later issued with a six-minth administrative detention order. His appeal was due to be held on 27 February 1991 but was postponed. No new date has apparently been set for the...
The above-named, a student from Arrabeh near Jenin on the West Bank, was arrested on 15 December 1990 and issued with a 12-month administrative detention order. At his appeal, the authorities apparently alleged that he was a member of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine and was...
Up to 100 members of the Afar community were arrested between 9 and 11 January 1991 in connection with an armed attack on a military barracks in Tadjourah during which a government soldier was killed.
1. Albania: authorities announce release of remaining political prisoners. 2. Peru: Amnesty International calls for immediate investigation into bomb attack on human rights defender.
The above-named, a retired teacher from Nablus, was arrested on 15 December 1990 and later issued with a six-month administrative detention order. His lawyer does not yet know the reasons for his detention. He is said to suffer from a slipped disc, peptic ulcer and irritable bowel syndrome.
The above named, aged 17 years and from Khadar in the West Bank, was arrested on 18 February and later issued with a four-month administrative detention order. His lawyer does not yet know the reasons for his detention.
The above-named, a 47-year-old sweetshop owner from Bethlehem, was arrested in January 1991 and issued with a four-month administrative detention order. At his appeal, the authorities alleged that he was an activist in the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. The appeal was rejected and...
The above-named, aged 21 years form Bethlehem, was arrested in early March and issued with an administrative detention order for the period 3 March 1991 to 21 July 1991. His lawyer does not yet know the reasons for his detention. ‘Iza Zbun was previously convicted of throwing stones at an Israeli...