This circular updates information on trade unionists in Latin America contained in the paper AMR 01/01/91, issued in March 1991. The cases updated here are: Brazil: Expedito Ribeiro da Souza, Carlos Cabral Pereira, Roberto Neta da Silva and Orlanda Canuto, Jose and Paulo Canuto de Oliveira, Braz...
This circular reports the killing of 32-year-old Gustavo Ramirez Aguilar, from the community of El Charcon, La Libertad department, on 19 May 1991. He was shot dead in his home by three armed men in civilian clothing. Gustavo Rosa was a desplazado (displaced person). Events leading up to his death...
This paper presents examples of the types of human rights violations which are inflicted on health personnel throughout the world, in countries of different political systems and different levels of political stability. The abuses documented here include arbitrary arrest and imprisonment without...
Human rights violations against trade unionists from six Latin American countries are described in this report. The appeal cases cited are: Brazil: Expedito Ribeiro de Souza, Jose Helio da Silva et al.; Chile: Bernardo Araya Zuleta, Maria Flores Barraza, Victor Diaz Lopez et al.; Colombia: German...
This document gives an update on the human rights situation in El Salvador based on a selection of the cases which have been reported to the organization since the government and the FMLN signed the Agreement on Human Rights in July 1990 under the auspices of the United Nations.
This document outlines Amnesty International’s concerns in 17 countries in Western Europe. The concerns include: death penalty legislation; conscientious objection to military service; ill-treatment or torture of people held in police custody; detention of asylum-seekers; alleged forced admissions...