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A new law was passed recognizing sex without consent as rape. Abuse of minorities increased during the national COVID-19 lockdown. A discriminatory law on social housing remained in place. The authorities failed to protect the rights of children born with variations in sex characteristics.
Denmark Asylum

Denmark: Protect Syrians at risk of return

Between 2020 and 1 April 2021, Denmark has revoked or not renewed the residence permits of 380 Syrians, claiming that certain parts of Syria (Damascus and the Rif region) are “safe”. While many of them are waiting for their cases to be finally decided in appeal, 39 Syrians have already been put in...
Algeria Armed Conflict

Denmark: Fear of imminent refoulement

Rabah Hamana, Nasima Hamana and child: The above named and their newborn child face imminent and forcible return to Algeria where they would be at serious risk of detention, “disappearance”, torture or extrajudicial execution. Their lawyer requested a reopening of the case. However, even if the...
Denmark Armed Conflict

Denmark: Fear of refoulement

Anna Mkrtychan and Alexander Mkrtychan: The above, an English teacher, interpreter and philologist, and her husband, a dentist, both ethnic Armenians from Chechnya, face forcible return to the Russian Federation on 28 May 1996 where they may be at serious risk of arbitrary detention, ill-treatment...