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31 results
English-speaking Caribbean: Time to make the death penalty history
Ten years ago, on 19 December 2008, the authorities of Saint Kitts and Nevis carried out what was to become the last execution in the Americas, outside the USA. This anniversary, which follows on from the observance on 2 November of 25 years since a key judicial decision that put a brake on the...
Guyana must strengthen the protection of LGBTI rights and move towards abolition of the death penalty
Human Rights Council adopts Universal Periodic Review outcome on Guyana
Suggested recommendations to States considered in the 21st round of the Universal Periodic Review, 19-30 January 2015
In this document Amnesty International makes recommendations to the governments of different states about ratification of international human rights standards, domestic legislation and human rights violations.
Amnesty International assessment of the implementation by states of previous UPR recommendations: 21st session of the UPR Working Group, January 2015
The key value of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) lies in its potential to contribute to tangible improvements in the situation of human rights in the countries under review. The focus of all participating states should therefore be on implementation. In this document, Amnesty International...
Guyana: Insufficient action on long-standing human rights concerns: Amnesty International submission to the UN Universal Periodic Review, January 2015
In this submission Amnesty International expresses concern that violence against women and girls remains widespread within Guyana and that serious implementation gaps remain in the legislative steps taken to address this problem. Discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and...
Injustice incorporated: Corporate abuses and the human right to remedy
Victims of human rights violations and abuses frequently face significant challenges when seeking remedy. This book explores the challenges involved in securing an effective remedy in cases where multinational companies are perpetrators of human rights abuse or are complicit in violations committed...
Guyana: Amnesty International welcomes commitment to continue to consider recommendations to abolish the death penalty and to end discrimination based on sexual orientation
See below.
Guyana: Submission to the UN Universal Periodic Review: Eighth session of the UPR Working Group of the UN Human Rights Council, May 2010
In this submission, Amnesty International provides information as stipulated in the General Guidelines for the Preparation of Information under the Universal Periodic Review. Amnesty International raises concern over shortcomings of legislation pertaining to the death penalty and criminalization of...
‘I am not ashamed!’: HIV/AIDS and human rights in the Dominican Republic and Guyana
This report on human rights and HIV/AIDS in the Dominican Republic and Guyana, highlights how human rights violations fuel the pandemic. Abuses of civil, political, cultural, economic and social rights increase people’s risk of HIV infection and those affected by HIV/AIDS are often denied their...
Guyana: Urgent action needed on witness protection
See below.
Guyana: Need for immediate inquiry into death squad killings
See below.
Guyana: Open letter for ICC campaign
This letter urges the Prime Minister of Guyana to ratify the International Criminal Court (Rome Statute).