Research 21 November 1991 Israel and the Occupied Territories: Basem Sulayman ‘Abd al-Fattah Tumayzah -administrative detention
Research 1 November 1991 Israel and the Occupied Territories: Druze conscientious objectors to military service
Research 1 November 1991 Israel and the Occupied Territories: Selective objector in Israel: Menahem Hefetz
Research 1 October 1991 Israel and the Occupied Territories: ‘Abdullah Muhammad ‘Ayesh Hamaidan – administrative detention
Research 30 September 1991 Israel and the Occupied Territories: Amnesty International’s response to the comments of the Israeli Ministry of Justice on the Amnesty International Reports 1990 and 1991
Research 30 September 1991 Israel and the Occupied Territories: Mordechai Vanunu: Solitary confinement as cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment
Research 22 September 1991 Israel and the Occupied Territories: Dawud ‘Isa Muhammad ‘Awdeh – administrative detention
Research 22 September 1991 Israel and the Occupied Territories: Zakariya ‘Afif Zakarneh – administrative detention
Research 22 September 1991 Israel and the Occupied Territories: ‘Abdullah ‘Afif Zakarneh – administrative detention
Research 22 September 1991 Israel and the Occupied Territories: Jarah ‘Abdullah Abu al-Hayjah – administrative detention
Research 22 September 1991 Israel and the Occupied Territories: Hatem Sha’ban al-Hur – administrative detention