Research June 1, 2014 Ireland: Submission to the United Nations Human Rights Committee: 111th session of the Human Rights Committee (7-25th July 2014)
Research February 28, 2014 United Kingdom/Northern Ireland: Administrative scheme for “on the runs” must not perpetuate impunity
Research February 4, 2014 Europe: The state decides who I am: Lack of legal gender recognition for transgender people in Europe
Research February 20, 2013 Submission to the Steering Committee for Human Rights (CDDH) of the Council of Europe
Research February 4, 2013 Ireland: Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health and Children regarding the Report of the Expert Group on the Judgment in A, B and C v Ireland
Research January 10, 2013 Ireland: Submission to the right to life review of the Irish Human Rights Commission
Research December 7, 2012 Ireland: Amnesty International to submit report to government on abortion laws
Research November 15, 2012 Ireland: Follow-up procedure to the forty-sixth session of the UN Committee against Torture