Research March 2, 2022 HRC 49: Urgent debate: The Human Rights Council must act decisively and create a mechanism on Ukraine
Research March 22, 2021 Ukraine: Longstanding human rights concerns must be addressed. Oral statement delivered at the 46th regular session of the UN Human Rights Council – Item 10
Research December 11, 2020 Ukraine: Not a private matter: domestic and sexual violence against women in Eastern Ukraine
Research August 5, 2020 Ukraine: Justice Still Needed for Victims of Unlawful Detention in Eastern Ukraine
Research July 13, 2020 Exposed, silenced, attacked: failures to protect health and essential workers during the COVID-19 pandemic
Research September 22, 2019 Ukraine: First-ever Pride march in Kharkiv marred by violence, underscores multiple failures by the authorities
Research June 19, 2019 Briefing to UN member states on Amnesty International’s concerns ahead of the 41st session of the UN Human Rights Council