Research 1 October 1990 Guatemala: Human rights violations carried out against members of the Camey/Chitay families
Research 30 September 1990 South Africa: Statement submitted by Amnesty International to the United Nations Special Committee against Apartheid
Research 30 September 1990 Africa: Appeals for academics and students who are prisoners of conscience
Campaigns 27 September 1990 Yugoslavia: Further Information: Arrests of ethnic Albanian officials: Jusuf Zejnullahu, Seladin Skeja, Muhamet Bicaj, Jusuf Karakushi, Isa Mustafa, Lek Vuksani, Agim Malaj, Raif Rambaja, Nazif Matoshi, Ismail Sahiti, Fatos Pula
Campaigns 26 September 1990 Zambia: Further information: Legal concern / fear of torture: Richard Mukonga
Campaigns 26 September 1990 South Korea: Further information: Hunger-strike / ill-treatment: Choi Chol-kyu, Chu Sang-joon, Kim San-sun