1.) Foreword by the Secretary General; 2.) Good news: Asia, Tibet; Americas, Honduras; Europe, Uzbekistan; Africa, Democratic Republic of Congo; 3.) Amnesty International: Who we are, what we do; 4.) Crisis Response: 11th September; 5.) Israel and the Occupied Territories: One year of Intifada; 6.) Racism in Europe; 7.) Americas: Combating Torture; 8.) West Africa: Defending the defenders; 9.) Mission highlights: Pakistan; Bahrain; Turkey; Lebanon; Zimbabwe; Nigeria; Ecuador; Democratic Republic of Congo; Bulgaria; 10.) Campaign Against Torture: A few steps more; 11.) Human rights and personal identity; 12.) International Criminal Court; 13.) We need your support; 14.) Budgeted Expenditure 2001-2002; 15.) AI reports.