1. United Kingdom: Police restraints cause deaths (includes photograph of Joy Gardner). 2. France: Police guilty of illegal violence (includes photograph of Lucien Djossouvi). 3. India: Evidence suggests hundreds of bodies cremated by police. 4. Israel and the Occupied Territories / PAA: Torture victim shaken to death. 5. Focus: The quest for justice: time for a permanent international criminal court. 6. Worldwide appeals (Syria: Abbas ‘Abbas; Myanmar: Aung Zeya and eight others; Morocco: Eight Sahrawi youths: Ahmed El Kouri, Nebt Ramdane Bouchraya, Arbi Brahim Baba, Cheykhatou Bouh, M;Rabih Rabou Neysan, Abdel’hay Lekhal, Mahfoud Brahim Dahou and Salama Ahmed Lembarki); 7. Myanmar: Aung San Su Kyi released. 8. Chile: Supreme Court strikes blow against impunity. 9. Liberia: UN threatens to withdraw its peace-keeping forces.