1. Saudi Arabia: Iraqis suffer gross violation of rights in two Saudi Arabian refugee camps; 2. Rwanda: AI condemns the slaughter of thousands; 3. Turkey: Eight Kurdish civilians killed by Turkish warplanes; 4. China: Hundreds of dead still unaccounted for five years after pro-democracy protest; 5. Tunisia: Critics detained in new repressive phase in Tunisia; 6. Bosnia-Herzegovina: People forced to flee homes after Bosnian Serb brutality; 7. Switzerland: Swiss police face allegations of ill-treatment of detainees; 8. Trinidad and Tobago: Prisoners told of execution one day before; 9. China: Garu nuns; 10. Guatemala: Human rights under new threat during a wave of political unrest and violence; 11. Sri Lanka: Article prompts response from minister; 12. Worldwide appeals on Iraq and Senegal; 13. Focus – The role of the UN: peace at what price?