1) The Agenda 2) Up front: Armed with pens, keyboards and a passion for human rights 3) My body my rights 4) Morocco: Remembering Amina 5) El Salvador: ‘I admire Beatriz- What a strong woman’ 6) Ireland: The tragedy that broke the silence 7) Nepal: Speaking out – a first step to taking control 8) Burkina Faso: Breaking taboos 9) Turkmenistan: Smuggling the news 10) Russia: A sense of humour is required truth and justice 11) Pakistan: Why was grandmother Mamana Bibi killed in a US drone strike? 12) USA: A game of drones 13) United Arab Emirates: Behind the glittering facade 14)Worldwide Appeals: UAE: Human rights lawyer silenced: Mohammed al-Roken; Mexico: Still missing Héctor Rangel Ortiz; Uzbekistan: Serving 18 years for attending a protest: Dilorom Abdukadirova; Iran: Physicist sentenced to 10 years: Omid Kokabee; Thailand: Editor sentenced for ‘insulting the monarchy’: Somyot Prueksakasemsuk; Viet Nam: Blogger sentenced to 16 years in prison 15) End Forced Evictions: Papua New Guinea: ‘We are a vibrant community’