Amnesty International’s (AI) concerns about the operations of the Israeli military courts in the Occupied Territories in recent years are documented in this report: more than 30,000 Palestinians have been tried by these courts since the beginning of the intifada in 1987. Related concerns include the procedures relating to arrest and initial detention, incommunicado detention and allegations of torture during interrogation. Several cases are cited: Khaled ‘Abd al-Rahman Matar, ‘Abed al-‘Ajrami, Riad Shehabi and ‘Aziz ‘Asheh, inter alia, have alleged torture. Mahmud al- Masri and Khaled Shaikh ‘Ali died during detention in 1989. The findings of the Landau Commission are examined and the prevalence of plea bargaining in trials the Occupied Territories is discussed.
Index Number: MDE 15/034/1991