Medical letter writing action: Israel and the Occupied Territories: Dr Rabah Hasan ‘Abd al-‘Aziz Mohanna

Dr Rabah Hasan ‘Abd al-‘Aziz Mohanna, Vice-President of the Arab Medical Association in Gaza, was arrested on 29 October 1991 and served with a six- month administrative detention order. AI has recently learned with concern that the order has been extended for a further six months. Dr Mohanna believes that he was arrested for expressing publicly reservations about the Middle East Peace Conference held in Madrid in October 1991; the authorities allege that he was active in the PFLP and that the order was extended because he remained active in the PFLP while imprisoned (the Fact Sheet issued by the Ministry of Justice in March 1992 is appended). AI is also concerned about Dr Mohanna’s health: he is reported to suffer from gallstones with inflammatory complications.

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