This report has been drafted by Amnesty International and the Runnymede Trust, who collated the information in this submission and organised roundtables with over 40 organisations to inform the examination of the 24th to 26th combined reports of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland by the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. It focuses on how race and racism impact the lives of Black and minority ethnic (BME) people across England. This submission is based on research done by Runnymede Trust and Amnesty International on racial discrimination and inequality in the UK across various issues. Both organisations have various areas of expertise and have contributed to positive developments in the UK in the area of tackling racism and other forms of discrimination, and unless stated otherwise within this submission the recommendations are supported by both organisations. A more extensive report detailing Runnymede’s analysis and providing an independent civil society perspective is also available in its submission to the Committee in 2021.
Index Number: EUR 45/8384/2024