This report describes the results of an investigation by Amnesty International (AI) into allegations of ill-treatment, deaths in custody and unjustified shootings by police officers in the New York City Police Department (NYPD). AI acknowledges that a number of reforms have taken place in recent years, and that the police in New York have a dangerous and difficult job. However, there remains a serious problem of police brutality and excessive force which urgently needs to be addressed. The organization has collected information on more than 90 cases of alleged ill-treatment or excessive force dating from the late 1980s to early 1996, the victims coming from a variety of social, racial and ethnic backgrounds. However, the evidence suggests that a large majority of these victims are racial minorities, particularly in cases involving deaths in custody or questionable shootings. A set of AI recommendations, a selection of international standards and a listing of other AI reports on the USA are appended.
Index Number: AMR 51/036/1996