Serious violations against peasants who have recently returned from Paraguay (“Brasiguaios”) have been reported in Mato Grosso do Sul State. On 17 May 1992, 18 from a group of peasants who had invaded two estates in Rio Brilhante were detained by gunmen from one of the estates. They were reportedly kept in the open for 24 hours, threatened and ill-treated. When the squatters were being evicted from the estates on 18 May, gunmen allegedly beat up journalists in full view of the police. Military police reportedly entered a “Brasiguaio” camp by force on 30 July seeking stolen goods, wounding three people, beating others and taking money and belongings. Gunmen reportedly openly harass peasants in the Amambai camp. A gunman reportedly killed Jose Alves de Vasconcelos on 11 June.
Index Number: AMR 19/029/1992