Albert Mukesha Batwaro, Rwandese, Souleymane Diallo, Sulaymane Soure, Alpha Mamadou Barry and Abubacar Sall, all from Guinea-Conakry, and other African nationals: On 12 August 1996, Albert Mukesha Batwaro and 44 other men of various African nationalities held in in the Second Squadron prison in Bissau, went on hunger-strike in protest at the way they have been treated by the Spanish and Guinea-Bissau authorities. Many of the detainees were already weak and some of them fell ill and had to be taken to hospital. Amnesty International is calling on all relevant authorities to address their legitimate grievances as they did not have adequate opportunity to present their claims for asylum in Spain before being forcibly removed to Guinea-Bissau.
Index Number: AFR 30/004/1996