Germany: The alleged ill-treatment of Hidayet Secil

In a criminal complaint submitted to the Ulm prosecuting authorities, Hidayet Secil alleges that he was ill-treated by police officers who were called to his flat in Goppingen following a complaint by a neighbour. Secil alleges that one officer punched him in the face and that another struck him with his baton while he was being held by three of the officer’s colleagues. According to a medical certificate issued on 4 July 1995, Secil’s injuries included: a broken nose, facial bruising, swelling and cuts on the left arm, and seven weals on his back. The head of the Goppingen police was quoted as saying in a newspaper that the police officers involved had used force against Secil after he had offered resistance. He added that two officers had, as a result, suffered bruises and sprains. Secil is currently the subject of an investigation for “resisting state authority”.

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