Turkey: fear of torture: Ramazan Kiran, Mehmet Kiran (his father), Vahap Celik, Izzetin Celik

According to a press report of 28 June 1993, the above named men were detained by soldiers in the village of Atala, Mardin province, on 17 June. Mehmet Kiran, aged 59 and the father of Ramazan, was transferred to Diyarbakir State Hospital when his condition deteriorated and his arm was broken due to torture. In a reported statement he claimed he had been tortured to try and force his son, who was also tortured, to talk about PKK (Kurdish Workers’ Party) shelters, after his son had denied knowing any. The other three detainees continue to be interrogated at Derik Gendarmerie Station, where under current legislation they may be held until 15 July.

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