The Wire November 2001, Vol.31 no.8

1.) Honduras: A community living in terror; 2.) Israel and the Occupied Territories: One year of intifada; 3.) Brazil: ‘They treat us like animals’: torture and ill-treatment in Brazil; 4.) Opinion: AI’s position on the current military operations in Afghanistan; 5.) Australia prevents refugees from seeking asylum; 6.) Worldwide appeals: Uzbekistan, Risk of execution; Indonesia, Torture and unlawful killing of children; USA, Death penalty sought for juvenile; Democratic Republic of the Congo, Child soldier condemned to death; 7.) News in brief: Newanti, torture treaty at critical point; Political rights for women in Kuwait; 8.) `Street children’ have righst too: Homeless children let down by Spanish authorities; 9.) Angola: Innocent victims of Angola’s cruel war;10.) UK: child soldiers in combat.

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